Generate Logos!

Frequently Asked Questions

Our FAQ aims to provide you with valuable hints, tips and insights to better your Logobean experience and understanding.

If you have any specific issues or questions that aren't addressed in our FAQ, don't hesitate to contact Logobean Support for further assistance.

Is Logobean free to use?

Logobean is 100% free to generate, browse, and edit logos. You only need to pay when you download your logo. In fact, we encourage you to visit Logobean as many times as required and to add any logos that you think may be suitable to your list of Favorites.

When you decide to download a logo, simply select it and click the shopping trolley icon or the Download button.

Do I need to create an account or sign-up?

No! Logobean does not require an account or any form of signup. Simply visit the Logobean App and have full, unrestricted access to all available features. Upon downloading your logo, you will be sent an email containing a link that will allow you to view and re-download your purchased logo package(s) whenever required.

How can I access my purchased Logo(s)?

When you purchase a logo, you will be asked to provide an email address. A email will be sent to this address containing your download link. You can access all of your purchased logos using any of the following options:

  1. Click on the download link in the email to open Logobean in your default browser. Your purchased logos will be available in the Downloads section; or
  2. Copy the download link to the clipboard, launch the Logobean App and paste the link into the code input in the Downloads section.

How should I use the Filter?

The filter is a powerful feature of Logobean that lets you quickly refine the logo variations that are generated. Following are the key logo attributes that can you can control using the filter:

  1. Logo Styles - this includes (if applicable) the icon used, the specific color palette, and the font used for the logo.
  2. Logo Layout - the currently supported layouts include Icon Above and Icon Left, Frame, Text, Box, Block, Monogram, and Circle. New layouts will be made available regularly and as they are they will be added to the filter.
  3. Color Styles - As well as selecting a specific color palette in the Logo Styles category, you may instead select a more general color group. The available color groups are Formal, Colorful, Natural, Soft and Pastel.
  4. Font Styles - As well as selecting a specific font in the Logo Styles category, you may instead select a more general font group. The available font groups are General, Fancy and Decorative.
  5. Name Layout - this allows you to refine how your brand name is aligned if it is split across multiple lines. The supported alignments include Left, Center, Right and Justified.
  6. General - this section includes a number of other filtering options including controlling the way your slogan is used on the generated logos (never, sometimes and always) and how your brand name should be capitalized (never, sometimes and always).

How should I use the Editor?

The Editor allows you to modify the finer details of a logo such as the exact layout spacing and alignment, colors, fonts and icons. Depending on the type of logo you have selected, there may also be a set of details specific to the logo that can also be adjusted using the Editor.

Generally, the Editor will be the final step you will perform prior to downloading your logo, however, there is no restriction on when a logo can be edited.

Should I purchase the Basic or the Premium package?

For the small additional cost, we recommend you purchase the Premium package as it contains scalable versions of your logo (SVG) and a large number of branded social media cover and profile images for all the popular platforms. The Basic package only contains a single full and reversed non-scalable (PNG) version of your logo. Note that the PNG files contained in the Basic package are relatively high resolution making them suitable for a range of applications. Samples of both the Basic and Premium packages can be found here, and here respectively.

What is the difference between PNG and SVG formats?

PNG (Portable Network Graphics) and SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics) are both image formats used for digital graphics. However, they have some key differences:

  1. File type: PNG is a raster image format, meaning it's made up of pixels. SVG, on the other hand, is a vector image format, meaning it's made up of paths, shapes, and coordinates instead of pixels.
  2. Quality: PNG images can lose their quality when they are enlarged or shrunk, appearing pixelated if enlarged or shrunk too much. SVG images, being vector-based, can be scaled up or down without losing quality.
  3. File size: PNG images can be larger in file size than SVG images, especially for detailed images with many colors.

What do the padlock icons in the filter represent?

When shown in the closed/locked state, the padlock indicates that the related property will be applied to all generated logos. For example, if the icon is locked, that specific icon will be used for all generated logos that incorporate an icon. For options that have multiple sub-options, such as the logo layout, the padlock indicates if any of the sub-options have been selected.

To toggle the padlock state, simply click on the padlock icon.

How can I easily switch between Logo Views?

If you're using a desktop computer or laptop, simply press the ESCAPE key to toggle between the two views.

How can I force a multi-line brand name?

When editing your Brand Name using the Update Name & Slogan option, the Name & Slogan option in the Editor panel, or when you initially launch Logbean, you will notice a button to the right of the Brand Name input. Clicking on this button will launch a dialog that will let you select the exact Brand Name layout you would like to use. It also provides an option to let Logobean generate logos for you with a range of suitable Brand Name layouts.

How can I create a landscape variation of an existing portrait logo?

This can be easily achieved! Simply load your existing portrait logo using your download link. Select the edit option on the logo and using the layout options in the editor, switch the layout to landscape (icon to the left or right). Select the Save option and if prompted (will happen if your portrait logo is already in your Favorites), choose the Create Copy option. You will now have a landscape version of your logo in your Favorites.

To download this logo, ensure it is selected and click the Download button or click the shopping trolley icon on the logo card itself.

Best Free Logo Design Online

How To Instantly Create Millions of Logo Designs using Logobean

1. Getting Started

Add your business, company or brand name to instantly generate an endless selection of logo pairings. Click any logo pairing to view it in context with our ultra-modern live previews & favourite the logos that you love.

Logobean logo maker getting started views
Logobean logo maker filter and edit views

2. Perfect Your Logo

Create a filter to refine the layouts, colors, fonts, icons & name alignment used in the generated logos. Edit any logo to perfection using our state of the art logo editor.

3. Launch & Grow With Confidence

Once you've found the perfect logo - download all of the files needed to launch with confidence. Premium downloads include high quality PNG & SVG logo files, 100's of marketing images for all major social media platforms, your very own web page for managing your logos and more.

Logobean logo maker export package views

Ready to get started?